

Family and sharing is central to Yinggarda culture.
Sharing stories and passing on knowledge generation after generation has kept our culture alive and strong for tens of thousands of years. Today, we are proud to share our ancient culture with people from all over the world. Our cultural protocols run deep and respect for cultural knowledge and sacred places requires that in some places, visitors are accompanied by a culturally appropriate guide.

Explore Our Tours

Tagalong Town Tour
This three-hour tour is a great introduction to the cultural side of Carnarvon. Tag along in your vehicle as Rennee takes you to visit various sites across Gwoonwardu. Journey with the convoy hearing Rennee share her story of Gwoonwardu and take part…
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Town/Bee Tour
This three-hour tour is a great introduction the cultural side of Carnarvon. The walking tour takes visitors on a leisurely walk across the town bridge, along the way learning Indigenous culture as well as Carnarvon local history.
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Mingah Munda
Walk amongst the prehistoric landscapes of Mundatharrda (Kennedy Ranges) and hear the Ant Dreaming story connected to Honeycomb Gorge (Mingah Munda), a place of great spiritual significance to the Yinggarda people.
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Seasonal Tours
The traditional lives of the Yinggarda people have been governed by the changing seasons for millennia. At different times of the year, certain foods are in abundance, while seasonal indicators like the bees emerging from their burrows or wildflowers…
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Star Story Tours
Mobile phones and devices off, clear your mind and let your eyes adjust to the natural light of the night sky. Nowhere else is the vastness of space laid bare, than beneath a clear Gascoyne night sky. Miles away from the light pollution, the…
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